Wednesday, August 23, 2006

FFMPEGX issues for Intel Mac

My three week old MacBook and FFMPEGX (which gets religious usage) haven't been playing together well lately. Either it says that it encoded .avi files in one second flat (with zero kb showing) or the quality takes a deep dive (both video and sound).
We were wondering if anyone else had experienced this issue as well.

Prometeus (MacCISO-DAX) v0.81B

Dago^WATT an updated version of ISO/CSO/DAX for Mac OS X. It has been christened with a new name Prometeus v0.8B which now features support for ISOgen. Basically that means that you can take any ISO image and rebuild it to your liking all while in the comfort of Mac.

Totally unrelated sidenote: E us and let us know how we're doing here and remember we're here to strong arm nerdese to english for you so copy paste and we'll plop it up for everyone to see.

download:Prometeus v0.81B

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Compressor for Mac OS X *UPDATE*

Dago^WATT has released a quick bug fix update for v0.61B which fixes a problem when attempting to seize CISO decompression. The download link below has been updated.

Here is a new version of MacCISO-DAX from Dago^WATT! And it includes Major changes since the last version we posted - you won’t be disappointed!
