Thursday, July 20, 2006

Devhook updated to v0.45! Launching Homebrew on Emulated 2.71 Now Possible!

And yes another great release from booster!!! this guy is just amazing

It apparently supports homebrew launching right on 2.71 firmware. Couple it with harleyg's custom firmware mod which allows you to directly load DevHook on startup, and you're practically in PSP heaven.

Here's a detailed changelog:

* Support for loading EBOOT.PBP on memory stick and EBOOT.BIN on UMD(ISO) in ELF format.
* Fixed problems that made 1.50 NoUMD not functioning.
* Added more exclusive controls added to flash emulation. As well as other memory stick breaking countermeasures.
* Memory map changed for rebooting


* FW2.71 registry initialization failure problem.
* Stabilize flash emulation (file access).
* NoUMD for FW 2.xx
* NAND driver level emulation

Download::[Devhook v0.45]

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