Wednesday, September 27, 2006
PSP manager for Mac OS X
Read Me:
-Under Preferences
PSP Memory Stick -> This is used to tell PSPkit where your memory stick is. You can choose this by clicking the Browse button. Your PSP must be connected and in USB mode before PSPkit will find your PSP. PSPkit will remember this name. As long as you do not change the name of your PSP on the computer, you will not have to change this again. The name of your PSP memory stick will show up in every window of PSPkit.
Hide Corrupt Icons -> This will rename your homebrew games, and device hook installs so that the corrupt data icons do not show up on your PSP under firmware version 1.5, or custom firmware.
-Main Window
-DH Installer -> This tab will install any version of Device Hook version .46 or lower. It will not install version .47. In order to install properly, you must select the main devhook folder (EG- /desktop/devhook). It will only install the English version right now.
-Backup And Restore -> This handy little tool will allow you to back up, and restore your memory stick contents, should anything happen to your PSP data. Click "Backup" to copy everything from your PSP, and "Restore" to restore all of your backed up data back to the PSP. "Show current backup" will display a list of your current files that are backed up on your computer.
-Homebrew Transfer -> This can be used to organize your homebrew, and rename them to hide corrupt icons if necessary. "Add New Game" will allow you to choose a new game to add to your PSP. Please select the folder WITHOUT the "%" in its name in order to be sure everything is copied correctly. If "Hide Corrupted Icons" is selected in preferences, PSPkit will rename all of the homebrew to hide the corrupt icons. View Current Games will show a list of games that you have currently on your computer to be transfered. Transfer Games will copy all of the games you have selected on your computer to your PSP's "GAME" folder.
System Requirements:
Mac OS X 10.3.x or later.
Download: PSPkit v2.0
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Nethostfs for Mac *Updated*
PEnGUIn(Host) 0.5a Updated!!
fixed writing file from PSP to MAC without properties of privilege through nethostfs.
Download:PEnGUIn(Host) 0.5a
Attention: Remember to install libusb.pkg before launching of PEnGUIn(Host)!!
Added Usbhostfs support but not tested on Intel-based Mac.
Attention: Make sure you install libusb.pkg before launching of PEnGUIn(Host)
Download:PEnGUIn(Host) 0.4a
Download:libusb binary 0.1.12
We're pleased to introduce La'fear's third release of PEnGUIn. Actually it's the Nethostfs for Mac version with a simple GUI to simplify the user experience. You can now stream PMP files through irshell 2.1 & 2.2 (though 2.1 is the recommended version).
Any and all constructive feedback is welcomed.
Download: PEnGUIn(Host) 0.3a
Download: IRShell
Sunday, September 10, 2006
1. Add bitrate control for AVI & MP3 Encode.
2. Add high quality control for AVI Encode.
3. Universal Binary support.
4. Minor GUI fixes.
Update logs 1.16a:
1. Improvements of Audio/Video sync. (Both encoder and muxer.)
2. Compiled to support Universal Binaries.
3. Add CRF rate control of x264.
(Which means can adjust disk usage of videos)
1. Make sure you used the PEnGUIn(Encoder) to encode the two files (video and a mp3).
(out.avi and out.mp3)
2. Open the PEnGUIn(Muxer) then press Video File to select your out.avi then press Audio File to select out.avi
3. Press AVI_Muxer button and set save name and place in the save panel. You will see your pmp file shows on the place where you specified in the save panel.
Download: PEnGUIn Toolkit 1.25u
Download: Quick Guide for PEnGUIn ToolKit 2nd Edition.
source: (penguintool)
Sunday, September 03, 2006
in memory of...
Yesterday I broke the horrible news to the owner of said PSP, he took it quite well (much better than I would have). I was about to give it back to him when I showed my coworker, who knows nothing about PSPs, he popped the disk out and turned the wireless switch off and the damn thing came on! Not only did it come on it was downgraded already to 1.50. I popped on DevHook and it worked! sorry for the over excitement but it took a hell of a weight off of my shoulders (being that the owner is the guy who hired me). Though it still eats at me that my coworker was able to do something that I wasn't... oh well.
Friday's grand release of the xtrusion's 2.71 downgrader was watched closely by us here at PSPonMac 'specially since we have a 2.6 firmware PSP collecting dust because the GTA this person bought wasn't the original, We even tried to downgrade it on a pc.... long stories brushed aside, we knew that in our overt
this was our first case, after overwhelming successes with hordes of psps, of losing *sniff* one. we would now take this moment to say R.I.P. to FW 2.6 PSP... now to explain this to the owner...
Friday, September 01, 2006
2.71 Downgrader Released!
Renowned PSP developer Dark_AleX, along side with Mathieulh & Yoshi, have managed to successfully downgrade a non-TA-082 PSP running FW 2.71 - thanks to the recently discovered TIFF exploit! The process entails several steps [and precautions] which closely resemble the same procedure taken to downgrade 2.50/2.60. With that in mind, it’s probably safe to assume someone will take the liberty in creating an “Easy 2.71 -> 1.50 Downgrader.”
- Copy the files inside MS_ROOT to the root of your memory stick.
- Wait someone with 1.50 to pass you a folder called DOWNDATER and copy it to the root of your memstick.
- It is recomended that you have the psp at more than 50% batteery and connected to AC
- Go to the xmb photo viewer.
At this point will one of the following things:
- You’ll see a full red screen. This indicates that the downdater is doing its job. Wait for it to finish. When it finish it will crash on purpose. Restart your psp manually and you’ll probably have a 1.50 if nothing went wrong.
- You don’t see the red screen. This indicates that the downdater code has not started to execute. (even if the memstick blinks(or no), it doesn’t matter! if the screen is not red, you can safely restart the psp at this point).
This happen because of inestability in the tiff.
Don’t worry, just restart the psp and keep trying until you reach the red screen of downdate.
The downdater code is NEVER executed partially. It’s either executed totally or nothing.It depends of “luck” but usually the downdater will start to execute in a average of 1/10 times.
Things that may increase the probabilities:- A fresh formatted memory stick.
- A 32 MB memory stick (and fresh formatted)
Much respect for NOPx86 for discovering the libtiff exploit; Fanjita, Skylark, and everyone else involved with this phenomenal breakthrough!
Download: 2.71 Downgrader (includes all necessary files)
As always… with any flash-related tool, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK - good luck!