Sunday, September 03, 2006

in memory of...


Yesterday I broke the horrible news to the owner of said PSP, he took it quite well (much better than I would have). I was about to give it back to him when I showed my coworker, who knows nothing about PSPs, he popped the disk out and turned the wireless switch off and the damn thing came on! Not only did it come on it was downgraded already to 1.50. I popped on DevHook and it worked! sorry for the over excitement but it took a hell of a weight off of my shoulders (being that the owner is the guy who hired me). Though it still eats at me that my coworker was able to do something that I wasn't... oh well.

Friday's grand release of the xtrusion's 2.71 downgrader was watched closely by us here at PSPonMac 'specially since we have a 2.6 firmware PSP collecting dust because the GTA this person bought wasn't the original, We even tried to downgrade it on a pc.... long stories brushed aside, we knew that in our overt professionalism that this would be the moment we proudly return the psp to it's rightful owner with homebrew enable minus the need to find another copy of GTA. The downgrader dropped and after reviewing the comments made about the how amazingly easy it was to complete the downgrade we put our proverbial foot in cold water and tried. completed the process and restarted it... green light... blank screen... it bricked...

this was our first case, after overwhelming successes with hordes of psps, of losing *sniff* one. we would now take this moment to say R.I.P. to FW 2.6 PSP... now to explain this to the owner...

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